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The Most Underrated Power of Gratitude at the Workplace

August 4, 2023by komalhirani

Hey, have you met ‘Grace’ yet?

No? Allow me to introduce her to you.

Once upon a time, in a bustling corporate world, where emails and deadlines consumed every moment, a mysterious character named Grace appeared. With her enchanting smile, she carried a magical notebook. Each day, she wrote byte-sized messages of gratitude to colleagues, leaving them on their desks.

As the notes circulated, a wave of positivity swept through the office. People smiled more, thanked each other sincerely, and celebrated accomplishments together. The underrated power of gratitude, delivered in these byte-sized messages, united the team, turning the workplace into a haven of appreciation and collaboration.

And so, the legend of Grace’s magical notebook spread far and wide, inspiring others to embrace the underestimated power of gratitude, one byte at a time.

Indeed, we are here to spread magic. The Power of gratitude helps us transcend our life.

In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, have we inadvertently overlooked the incredible impact of expressing appreciation?

Let us explore the transformative journey of embracing gratitude to enhance our work life.

1. Expressing “Thank You”:

‘Thank You’ might seem like a small word, but it holds immense power. When you say ‘Thank You,’ two souls smile – yours and the person you are grateful to. Appreciating everyone around us for their energies, contributions, support, and efforts works wonders. So, let’s say Thank You. But remember, ‘Thank You’ is meant to show charism, not sarcasm. Let’s avoid tainting this pure feeling of thankfulness with sarcasm and infuse it with love, compassion, humility, and kindness to create even more magic.

2. Random Acts of Kindness:

Simple acts of kindness can brighten someone’s day at the office. Have you ever noticed the hard work of the ‘office support staff’? And not just them, but also the junior team members who work for us! It’s time to reflect these values in our actions! Words alone are insufficient; let’s genuinely strive to make people around us happy, spread smiles, and create a positive atmosphere.

3. Courteous Gestures:

Everybody has experienced their voice echoing in a valley. If someone shouts “Love” once, the echo multiplies the word several times. Conversely, if one shouts “Hate,” only “Hate” will echo back. The same principle applies to us. When we treat someone with courtesy, it is reflected back to us. If we are impolite to others, it also echoes back. Let’s practice treating people as we wish to be treated ourselves.

4. Shedding of Our ‘Me’:

Shedding of Our ‘Me’: Have you ever tried to separate ‘EGO’?
By removing the “E” from “EGO,” we are left with “GO,” symbolizing motion or action. When we let go of our ego and self-centeredness, we open ourselves to growth and positivity in our workspace. Letting go also brings the ‘benefit of the doubt’ and the strength to forgive. Holding onto grudges hinders our progress, so let’s learn to let go.

5. Selfless Giving:

Have you ever helped someone without expecting anything in return? It liberates us from expectations. Remember the Covid times when we served each other selflessly? We didn’t gain money or status, but we experienced bliss. As Rabindranath Tagore beautifully quoted, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Selfless giving brings joy beyond material gains.

When our loved ones give us a glass of water, saying ‘Thank You’ requires no effort; it comes out naturally from within. Just like wearing glares of the same color, making everyone look alike, we should cherish our uniqueness and express gratitude to all those around us, including ourselves. We must realize that our family extends beyond those under one roof; we have an extended family out there. Let’s not overlook the beautiful gift of gratitude’s power. May we make every soul smile, for every soul deserves kindness.

Hence, ‘Let’s not force it, let’s allow it to flow.’

Thank you to our beloved readers. Keep smiling, keep shining, keep spreading magic.

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