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Men’s Mental Health: Striking the Balance Between Leadership at Home and Work

August 9, 2023by komalhirani

In the eyes of parents, you’re their shining star.

For friends, a true companion, near or far.

Your girlfriend sees you as Prince Charming’s kin,

And to your wife, you’re Mr. Perfect, a win.

Your children see you as their Super Hero strong,

At the workplace, a reliable colleague all along.

Kudos to all the men out there with the most reliable shoulders, putting effort to balance life’s load. We care deeply for you, and we have someone to introduce to you.

He is none other than Mr. Wise!

Mr. Wise’s perfect formula for this balance is utilizing his most precious gift of life, which is Wisdom.

So here are a few practices suggested by him that will help us learn to balance our personal and professional life.

1. Set Boundaries:

We’ve often heard people saying that we need to keep our workspace and personal space separate, and never mix them up. Let’s refrain from disclosing personal matters at the workplace and avoid discussing work-related issues at home. It’s essential to keep communication clear between both aspects. Work-life and personal life have different needs, and hence, they cannot be intertwined.

2. Set Priorities:

If we prioritize things, we’ll be saved from the stress that we go through because of this. Also, there are various tools in today’s era that help us to set up our priorities in both, the workplace & at home.

Have you ever tried using the following criteria to set priorities? If correctly used, it works wonders!!

Set Priorities

So, let’s decide mindfully which tasks come under which category and create our To Do list accordingly. Time management is interconnected with setting priorities. They both go hand in hand.

3. Delegate & Seek Support:

Say No to hesitance!

May it be at home or work, never hesitate to seek support.

We’ve created our own prenotions and hence we find it difficult to seek support. At home, how easy it can be to say let’s do things this way or that way. At Work, isn’t it easy to discuss with our colleagues a work that we actually don’t understand how to execute?

What it’s going to do? It will release our burden and give us breathing space.

4. Open & Clear Communication:

Open & Clear Communication is a must!

The goals, commitments, and challenges must be communicated with a crystal-clear approach.

Let’s have a look that how a message can be delivered to the respective person.

First is something known as the Transmission of the message. In this case, we just convey it from our side and think that the message is delivered. But No, it hasn’t! Instead of transmitting, we have to communicate the message.

Secondly, we have Communication of message. Communication is something that is a two-way process and it’s about delivering the message with clarity and not ambiguity.

Lastly, we have Assertive Communication. It is the way we are putting our words in front of the person directly but in a respectful manner.

When we switch from the first approach to the second, it makes us better and when we jump from second to third it elevates us even more. It’s a journey of becoming a better version of ourselves.

5. Recognise & Accept Signs of Stress:

Have you ever seen a person who goes to the doctor and says I’m not suffering from any disease or symptoms?

If yes then, he cannot be called a Patient. Eventually, only a Patient can be cured by a doctor who knows that he is really suffering or going through something. Here comes recognizing and accepting the signs of stress. In today’s speedy world, every individual undergoes the stress of something or the other. Let’s start noticing the trigger points, sleeping patterns, and eating habits. Now let’s accept them.  Once we accept, only then we can think of how to overcome them.

Practicing Self-Care and Seek Professional help can be the two things that can be done.

Some people go out for a walk, listen to music, dance to their favourite songs, read a book, maintain a diary, talk to their loved ones and so much more for releasing their stress. This is known as Practicing Self Care. Some people also say that when I’m stressed, I eat a lot more than usual. But while practicing self-care we must be mindful about our physical health as well.

Now suppose this isn’t working, then we need to seek professional help. People have a Taboo that talking about Mental health means now everyone will think that I’ve gone crazy! But No, psychiatric help & mental help is different. In early times, people used to live in joint families so they had someone or the other at home with whom they can share their feelings, but now as times have changed, we live in nuclear families and we have started thinking twice before speaking/sharing our feelings at home. We carry all that burden every single moment.

Let’s get rid of this burden and if we are stressed, we need to know that it is okay to seek professional support.

6. Avoid Perfectionism: Be Flexible & Adaptable:

Have you seen this viral video?

Wow, the bridegroom in the video seemed incredibly flexible and adaptable!!

Just imagine if a similar situation happens to us, what are we going to do or how are we going to respond to it?

The answer must have ticked into our minds. Did you observe Water being poured into a container? May whatever be the size or shape of the container water moulds itself to fit in it. Now think about the ice cubes which are temporarily acting rigid. Ice cubes can’t mould themselves completely in the shape & size of the container. The element is the same that is H2O, only the form is different. Ice cubes show rigidity and water shows flexibility & adaptability. So, it’s a Perfect remedy for our thirst for flexibility & adaptability.

Hence, let’s avoid burdening ourselves with Perfectionism because you are already perfect in every way. Let’s avoid moulding Situations according to Us and mould ourselves according to the situations.

A wise person once said, “Success is not just about achieving your goals at work; it’s also about finding harmony between your career and family life. Striking the right balance between both is the key to a fulfilling and happy journey.”

Let’s be Compassionate and Kind to ourselves.

At last, I would like to thank all our beloved readers. Keep Smiling, Keep Shining, and Keep Spreading Magic.

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